
Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) is located in downtown Puebla City – two hours from the International Airport in Mexico City. It is a university city whereby education is the primary outgoing. Some of the institutions main strengths include: •    Academic quality: UPAEP has more than 40 years of experience in the realms of education. More than 60 of the professors belong to the National Research System, and have a strong focus on the professional and personal developments of students. •    Humanist background: The professional design of UPAEP is based on educational criteria. UPAEP’s identity is at the heart of its mission •    Educational model •    Internationalization: Global vision is fundamental at UPAEP from bachelor’s degree level to postgraduate Although UPAEP has a multicultural character the main language spoken at the university is Spanish, but a majority of the classes incorporate English too. The Languages Center offers classes in English, German, Chinese Mandarin, Italian, French, and Spanish for international students. To find out more about the programs, you can visit the social media pages: Facebook; YouTube; Instagram; Twitter; LinkedIn